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Our Mission

 Grimmel Biometrics is founded upon a mission to elevate the vitality of the world. We seek to build a structure where individuals may be nourished, supported, and deeply cared for: A  “home” where one is able to become their very best. We continually connect with and support other healers and provide a means for them to share their gifts. We are building a community centered around deep authenticity, growth, health, and above all love.


Grimmel Biometrics has become lifestyle optimization platform. Unlike other corporate wellness companies or health coaches, we use physiological data collected from industry leading wearable devices to guide and monitor our interventions. This ensures that our clients meet their goals faster than ever.

Our methods are deeply rooted in science and are implemented from years of experience. Instead of providing arbitrary protocols we educate, monitor progress, and use data to understand the effectiveness of the intervention. This process streamlines the path to optimizing performance.


Our use of Bio-wearable devices provides real time feedback on sleep patterns, movement, recovery and much more. This enhances the traditional “wait and see” protocol and provides a more dynamic and direct path to true wellness.


Our team

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Ashley Grimmel

Functional Nutritionist, MSCN

Ashley Grimmel is an Aspen Based nutritionist and biometric expert.

During her formative years, Ashley witnessed many family members battle cancer along side other diseases. From a young age she dedicated her life to studying cellular health, disease etiology, and performance optimization. As a graduate of the National University of Naturopathic Medicine, Ashley has worked with clinics across the world to develop programs to optimize patient outcomes through therapeutic diets and lifestyle modifications. She has also applied her knowledge extensively with elite athletes including Olympians, UFC champions, Pro Golfers, and NFL players.

Ashley wholeheartedly lives out the lifestyle she prescribes to her clients. Personally, she has lost 60 lbs, reversed autoimmune disease, and has gone hardly being able to walk a mile to regularly competing in ultra endurance events.  She is an Elite Spartan Athlete and holds multiple podium finishes in the obstacle course community. She is an avid ourdoorswomen, climber, skier, hiker, living room dancer, chef, and dog mom. Her passion is life and anything that helps to live it optimally. 


Matt Townsley

Biometric Coach & Recovery Specalist

Meet our coach and recovery specialist: Matt grew up in the mountains of Colorado where he fell in love with an active lifestyle at an early age. This led him to obtain a degree in Human Physiology at Gonzaga University where he researched biometric-based recovery methods, neuroplasticity, and training optimization techniques. He has applied his expertise working as a sports conditioning coach, neuroplastic trainer, and CrossFit instructor.

Matt's passion for research and training leaves him constantly searching for new methods to improve performance. He takes great enjoyment in testing these strategies on himself and applies them across a wide variety of activities. From endurance racing to Olimpic lifting Matt finds passion in exploring and expanding his body's limits.

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